True Love: Take 2!
by Donna Milner
Copyright ©2015 by Donna Milner, Chelsi Graphics. LLC

CHAPTER 1 (Part 1)

That Saturday morning Jeff rolled over, slowly waking up. He heard someone in the bathroom and called her name, “Jessie?” She walked back into the room, brushing her teeth. He rolled to her side of the bed, “Come back to bed, babe.”
Jessie shook her head and went back to the bathroom. A minute later she came in, putting on her earrings, “I want to go grab that gift for Ally.”
“What time is it?” Jeff asked, sprawled out on the bed.
“It’s only 8:00. Go back to sleep,” she said as she disappeared into the closet. She came back out, putting on a jacket, “I’m taking Molly with me. Everyone else is still asleep.” She came to the bed and Jeff grabbed her, pulling her down. Jessie laughed and screamed, then put a hand over her mouth, not wanting to wake the kids. “No,” she laughed as he climbed on top of her, “I have to go.” After a few deep kisses, Jeff pulled up and smiled, stroking her face. Jessie smiled, then gently pushed him off, “I’ll be right back.”
Jeff sighed, rolling back on his pillow, “Yeah, but those kids will be awake then.”
Jessie laughed as she got up, “Those kids?” She ran back to the bathroom, checked herself and jumped out, smiling. Jeff watched her dance happily out the door. She peeked back in, “I love you, too.” She threw him a kiss and stepped out of view. He closed his eyes and sighed, still in love with that sweet smile.
Jeff laid in bed for a bit longer, then got up and into the shower. In the bathroom he found Jessie’s perfume on the counter and couldn’t help but take a sniff. He breathed deep and smiled at the sweet odor that was so familiar to him, noting that it smelled better on her than in the bottle.
After getting dressed he trotted downstairs where he found Josh watching television and Jeremiah eating cereal in the kitchen. Jeff ran a hand over Jeremiah’s head as a hello. Jer nodded his greeting, with a mouth full of cereal. Jeff made himself some toast and sat down to eat. Then the doorbell rang. Josh yelled that the doorbell was ringing. With a security gate in the neighborhood, they didn’t get many unannounced guests. Jeff looked out the window next to the door, surprised to see two policemen. He opened the door without any thought of the horror that awaited him. “Good morning guys. What’s up?”
“Mr. Sandler,” one officer said, “there’s been an accident.” Jeff was shocked, but the news of Jessie never even crossed his mind. “Your wife was in an accident. We need you to come down to the hospital with us.”
“Jessie?” Jeff’s voice cracked, “Is she OK?”
The second cop looked at the ground, “We don’t have any more information, Mr. Sandler. We were just told to bring you to the hospital.”
Jeff’s brain was reeling. He couldn’t think. He stepped back into the house and bumped into Jeremiah. “What’s up, dad?”
Jeff held onto the door for strength, “Mom…was in an accident.”
Jeremiah was immediately panicked, “Is she alright?” Jeff hung on, feeling dizzy. Jer stepped up to the door, “What about my sister?”
The policemen were both nervously avoiding eye contact, “We just need your dad to come down to the hospital.”
Jeff took a few steps into the house, trying to think. He looked down at his bare feet. He threw on his boots and grabbed a jacket. Jeremiah was in the door staring at him, his face overtaken with fear. He grabbed Jer in his arms, “Don’t worry,” he said with a shaking voice. “Keep an eye on your brother and sister.” He walked out the door, nodding to the officers.
Riding in the back seat in silence, he was afraid to press for answers. His emotions were reeling. The ride seemed short. Waves of terror overtook him when the back door of the squad car opened. Frozen in place, he was afraid to get out. Hesitant, he slowly stepped out in front of the hospital emergency entrance. Urgency took over and he quickly ran inside. The receptionists recognized him immediately, as did several patients in the waiting room.
One of the receptionists jumped up, bolting around the counter. “Mr. Sandler.” Jeff nodded. “Come with me please.” Jeff followed her to a small, empty waiting area down the hall. “Dr. Simon will be right in.”
Jeff was trembling with fear. His voice cracked, “My wife and daughter…,” he pleaded.
“I’m sorry,” she answered without emotion, “You have to wait for the doctor.”
Jeff nodded, watching her leave. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion. The longer the news was delayed, the more his stomach twisted and anxiety built. He looked around, then shakily sat and began to pray. His eyes filled with tears as his prayers produced no peace in his heart. He began to expect the worst.

…More to come.