Attitude of Gratitude

Question: Are you focusing on your blessings or your trials? Have you heard the phrase, “Attitude of Gratitude?” We’ve each been guilty of complaining. Sometimes we may have the right. Some of us have more trials than others. Many of us bring pressure upon...

Vegetarianism is Biblical

Welcome Posts Contact I have not had a piece of meat to eat in almost 40 years. What most Christians seem to miss is that vegetarianism is biblical. Honestly, that is not why I became a vegetarian all those years ago. I hesitate to share that story unless I’m...

Biblically Incorrect

Welcome Posts Contact I’ve heard thousands of sermons over the years. Several I felt were biblically incorrect. Two, in particular, stand out in my mind; both found in Genesis. I’ll cover one here. It Was Eve’s Fault First, I’d like to address the commonly held belief...

Marriage: Contract vs. Covenant

Welcome Posts Contact As a Christian I’ve most often heard teaching that marriage is a life-long commitment, no matter the circumstances. Preachers and congregants alike preach against divorce for any reason. Scriptures are quoted that condemn spouses to...

Pleasing People or Fearing God?

Welcome Posts By Experience New Year’s Resolution: You Are Not Me Tell Your Story: Don’t Let It Die With You Biblically Speaking Vegetarianism is Biblical Biblically Incorrect Christian and Divorced: Finally Free Marriage: Contract vs. Covenant There is...