Inauguration 2017

Welcome Posts By Experience New Year’s Resolution: You Are Not Me Tell Your Story: Don’t Let It Die With You Biblically Speaking Vegetarianism is Biblical Biblically Incorrect Christian and Divorced: Finally Free Marriage: Contract vs. Covenant There is...

The Trump Tweets

Welcome Posts Contact For the most part, I stick to Facebook. It takes up enough of my time; but I get to laugh, connect with old friends as we travel the country and check out the news, researching most for validity. I do use LinkedIn for my business and I have some...

I Was Once a Republican

Welcome Posts Contact Due to the current trauma over the recent Presidential election, I felt led to explain the conservative position, as I see it. I believe that what Democrats and liberal Americans haven’t understood, and refused to accept, has finally blown up in...


Welcome Posts Contact On Memorial Day each year I’ve made a habit of writing a quick, yet grateful, reminder of those I’ve known who served this great country. I am forever grateful for the sacrifices made that afford me the freedom to write what’s on my heart. But...


My “The Race Thing” experiences now lead to lessons I learned in church. I was raised a Catholic. This was yet another area in which my parent’s, especially my mother’s, thinking was segregated. Church meant Catholic church and no other. I quickly wanted...