God Said Write, Masthead

Attitude of Gratitude

Question: Are you focusing on your blessings or your trials? Have you...

Evil in the Sight of the Lord

Separating the Sheep and Goats I keep hearing that "we the people" need...

The Blue Sea is Parting

Prepare to be Amazed “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that...

Coronavirus vs. Rioting

Has anyone noticed that: in the current battle, coronavirus vs. rioting,...

Domino Effect

This oil-rich area of West Texas known as the Permian Basin is...

Trust Your Gut

Throughout my life, I've learned to trust my gut. Five years ago our...

New Year’s Resolution: You Are Not Me

As we approach New Year’s Resolution time, we’ll begin to voice the...

Vegetarianism is Biblical

I have not had a piece of meat to eat in almost 40 years. What most...

Biblically Incorrect

I’ve heard thousands of sermons over the years. Several I felt were...

Christian and Divorced: Finally Free

In 1991 I met a seemingly nice man who eventually introduced me to the...

My name is Donna Milner. I have been a graphic artist for more years than I like to admit, and I have always enjoyed writing. Years ago I got laid off from my job in an area where finding graphic design work would seemed next to impossible. I began praying, “What am I supposed to be doing?” I kept getting the same answer, “Write!” Passed experiences in prayer have proven to me that I should follow these instructions.

So here I am. I have published two books in the past few years and blog here about my life’s experiences. I also started a technical blog, CallCG.net, to educate small business owners in their quest for online presence. Recently I had someone tell me that I should be older, considering all the things I’ve been through in my life. Ergo, a chronicle of my life experiences is on the horizon.

Currently I am traveling the country with my incredible husband, Bobby, our dog, Spotty, and our cat, Princess. My honey is installing solar farms across the US, while I take care of our personal business, write and design. Although I hope to entertain my readers, my goal is to educate and inspire. Enjoy!