FACEBOOK CONTROVERSY Recently I shared a devotional on Facebook that stated that we, born again Christians, have authority over sickness and disease. I immediately got a comment that I should read Job and that would change my perspective on the authority I believe we have. An “argument” began. I call it an argument and not a discussion because we were both so convinced of our positions. My position: God wants you well (Christian authority). Her position: God allows sickness, disease and even death to teach us or draw us closer to Him, sovereign punishment. I truly do not understand why anyone would want to convince others that the God they serve thought disease and loss was a good teaching tool. Or why trauma would bring you closer to Him. I thought that was our choice. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you…,” James 4:8 I can find no reference in the Bible for God causing trauma in your life to draw you closer to Him. After a long “discussion” I did spend some time in Job, only to have my position solidified in my heart. The Christian has authority over sickness and disease, if you take it. God is not the source of our problems. I also heard it again from a Bible teacher on television this morning. She taught that God is not the source of my problems. The enemy is. As we put our trust in God the enemy has to bow his knee to the name of Jesus and I have victory. I agree. I also believe that we are often the source of our own tribulations. The devil doesn’t have to bother with some of us. In some cases, we’re our own worst enemy. Regardless, I don’t understand holding up Job as an example of the Christian life today. Most scholars agree that Job is the oldest book in the Bible. It was written after the fall, but before Jesus died and rose again. Jesus came to earth as a man to take back the authority that man relinquished to Satan. Jesus bought back the authority that Adam had given the devil. He bought back all authority on earth for mankind. After my recent study, I believe Job is a great example of fear in action. He feared that his children were blaspheming God during their celebrations and continued to offer sacrifices for them, without any proof. When he lost everything his reaction was, “For the thing which I greatly fear comes upon me, and that of which I am afraid befalls me. I was not or am not at ease, nor had I or have I rest, nor was I or am I quiet, yet trouble came and still comes [upon me],” Job 3:25-26 Job was obviously not trusting God, even when he was the wealthiest man on the planet. He was always in fear, as he states here, waiting for the bottom to fall out. My point, and the point of the devotional, was that, through faith in the finished work of Jesus, we have all authority in the earth. We have authority over sin, sickness, disease, lack, discouragement, and any other weapon the enemy forms against us. According to scripture, that is true. “And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together [giving us joint seating with Him] in the heavenly sphere [by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One),” Ephesians 2:6 If anything, we are to relate our Christian walk to Jesus, Who trusted in the Father for everything. He paid the price, the ultimate and only sacrifice. “For by a single offering He has forever completely cleansed and perfected those who are consecrated and made holy,” Hebrews 10:14 “Completely cleansed” indicates that Jesus wiped out what Adam had done. His own last words before death were, “It is finished (paid),” John 19:30 Jesus paid the price. Receive His gift. Be well.