Here I go again with another, “I just don’t see how we don’t see. This morning I felt compelled to write about the division happening in the US. This especially bothers me concerning the racial tensions that have escalated recently. It is obvious that political figures, with the aid of the media, are quite honestly, “race bating” and inciting hate more than has been seen in decades. Dr. Martin Luther King was one of the boldest civil rights speakers in history. He is still celebrated today, not for his message of division and supremacy, but of unity. Do we not see that this current administration is set on dividing us? As a country of people united by our freedom, we cannot let this happen. The truth is, governmental authority, including many in local police departments, have become drunk on power. Where congressmen and senators in the past saw their role as public servants, it seems that most today see their position as one of power and money, rather than service. Many police officers today take their position of authority to a level of abuse and superiority that was never intended. In their defense, police officers see the worst side of humanity on a daily basis. They risk their lives for many who are ungrateful and often dangerous, for very little pay. I can see how, after years of dealing with these pressures, any human being’s tolerance would wear thin. I’m not excusing abusive behavior or brutality, just recognizing the mounting stress. It must be noted that this seeming increase in police brutality and abuse of authority is not exclusive to any racial segment. I do believe there is an increase in the abuse of authority. I also believe the increase is due to an entitlement mentality and is much more available for broadcast to the general public, thanks to social media. Politicians don’t experience the pressures of law enforcement, so I cut them no slack. They are removed, even protected, from the pubic. They are not risking their lives daily. They are paid an exorbitant amount of money for very few hours of actual work. Normally, members of congress and the senate continue their businesses, including law practices, generating even more income. They have expense accounts and assistants. They live off the very people they now believe they can lord over, believing they are in charge. They are, in fact, our employees. It’s time they realized that truth and November is a great time to pass on that message. We must unite as Americans and take our country back! This is not about black, white or brown. This is about the United States of America and the thousands upon thousands who died to bring this country into existence, and later to keep it. This is about the Constitution of the United States and the people who swore to uphold it. The people we hired, by vote, who are now ignoring the document that is the law of our land. Please, stop the violence. We cannot vote our pocket book or our race. We must vote life and unity. Also, if voting for this current government is voting your pocket book, where’s the provision? Their provision is welfare. The provision is more long-term poverty. Their great provision is for illegal immigrants, to buy votes, while citizens struggle. They divide us and prosper on the tax rape of the American people. They attempt to disarm us and arm terrorists with our tax dollars. If we stop looking at our brothers as the problem, as advertised, and start looking at big brother as the problem, things will change. Perspective please.