President Donald Trump: Inauguration 2017

For the first time in my life I watched the entire Presidential Inauguration. Today marked the most excited I have ever been about an election; full of hope for the future of the “great” country I love.

I watched and listened with excitement for the event; and disgust for the media. They are Democrat-owned and they just don’t get it! I doubt they ever will.

The coverage today, of course, included the liberal media’s constant references to King Obama’s excellence and success. That was the nauseating part. Then there was the comical, “they don’t get it” aspect.

Repeatedly I heard remarks from news commentators that President Trump (I love it!) doesn’t understand how it’s done. That’s the whole point! He got elected by people who want “how it’s done” to change. What the liberals refuse to accept is that, “how it’s done” has already changed.

Remarks included the fact that his inaugural address was offensive to both parties. It was said that the new President didn’t seem to realize that he would have to work with these same people he spoke of offensively. What the liberals don’t get, but Washington’s politicians soon will understand, is that the party’s over.


Washington Politics

Typical scenario of days just ended:

  • The President meets with a member of Congress or the Senate.
  • He explains what he wants.
  • The Representative explains why they can’t comply, because whoever paid them off will be upset, costing them millions, or at least their nephew’s high paying, sit on your butt job.
  • The President understands and a compromise, at the cost of the American people, is reached.

Future meeting outcome:

  • President Trump meets with a member of Congress or the Senate.
  • He explains what he wants.
  • The Representative subtly attempts to explain why they can’t comply, while attempting to cover their sold-out, contemptible actions.
  • The President nods and informs them that they will do the honest and upright thing for the country from today on, or their corruption will be revealed to the American people, the ethics committee (which is why the Republicans tried to quietly do away with it) and the new justice department.


One media representative did have a revelation. Donald Trump ran on the Republican ticket. He’s an Independent. He got that right. He’s not one of them. That’s why he got elected. He’s not a politician. He’s an American.

Another reporter told of a conversation he’d overheard where the President-elect was told that this was not a business. He was told that this was American politics and he would have to deal with the Congress and the Supreme Court in his way. His response was, “We’ll see.”

He knows how it has worked and he knows how it’s going to change. The change will come because the President of the United States will no longer go along with or accept corruption. He can’t be bought. He will approach this position as if he were the CEO of USA, Inc. Embezzlers will be exposed and brought to justice.

The tide has turned and members on both sides of the aisle realize it. That’s why both parties were against Trump. Integrity is now the rule of the day. This concept that is so foreign to Washington politicians that the Democrats are screaming and the Republicans are quietly shaking in their seats.

As I watched Presidential Inauguration 2017 I felt such pride. America is already great again. We will be safe again. We will be strong again; fierce. The swamp will be drained and the world will again revere and respect the United States of America.

Integrity. In Washington. Imagine that!