I’m a very logical person. I believe, more so than most women. I see the bottom line, in most situations, very clearly, when I have the facts. I guess that’s why I’m a conservative. It’s just logical. So much of the liberal agenda and their arguments are just not logical. For instance, Miss Nevada just won the title of Miss USA. One of the questions she was forced to answer was about the sexual assault epidemic on college campuses, the subsequent cover up of the statistics and what she thought should be done about it. The gist of her answer, excellent in my eyes, was awareness and for women to be taught to defend themselves. Seemingly a very pro “feminist” answer, considering the feminist movement has long screamed that women don’t “need” men and we can take care of ourselves. But the reaction, especially via social media, has been all but positive. The feminist regime is screaming that it should be a man’s responsibility to educate and deter rapists. But I thought we didn’t need them to help us or protect us? Also, it’s actually been said, repeatedly, that men should be taught that rape is wrong. Does any rapist actually think it’s not? I’d say the fact that women are dragged off to some secluded area and not attacked in crowds in broad daylight would suffice as proof that the majority of rapists already know it’s wrong. Teaching a rapist that his actions are wrong is like threatening a suicide bomber with his life.FYI: They don’t care! Moving on, there’s the matter of gun control. The amount of bad guys, especially deadly ones, is obviously on the rise. (I have my own theory on that.) The liberal side’s answer is to disarm law-abiding citizens. Yet the negative effects of that theory is easy to track historically. When strict gun control was enforced in my hometown of Chicago, it quickly became the murder capital of the country. The law restricting concealed carry permits was finally shot down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional, forcing the reinstatement of concealed carry permits, and the murder rate in the city immediately declined. In Australia, while figures over the previous 25 years had steadily decreased in armed robberies, they drastically increased the first year after their mass gun confiscation. For more incredible statistics, including the fact that Admiral Yamamoto of Japan’s stated reason for not invading the US after Pearl Harbor was armed citizens, read A Little Gun History Lesson for more awesome facts supporting The Second Amendment. In conclusion, I see myself as a conservative because it’s just logical. If truth, black and white facts and historical results mean nothing to you, liberal is the way to go. But if you use the brain God gave you…”nuff said.” Blessings!